Aging Mindfully
In this episode of the SOS Podcast, hosts Megan Bartley and Rob Giltner celebrate Megan’s birthday while discussing the subjective nature of aging and the power of mindfulness in awakening new neural pathways. They also share personal updates and stories, including Megan’s favorite childhood birthday memory. Join them as they shift their sh!t and explore the complexities of life.
Navigate aging with a positive attitude.
Aging is a natural process that we all go through. However, it is often accompanied by fear and anxiety. As we age, we may start to worry about our physical appearance, our health, and our ability to keep up with the fast-paced world around us. But embracing aging with a positive attitude can help us navigate this process with grace and ease.
One of the keys to embracing aging is to focus on the positive aspects of getting older. As we age, we gain wisdom and experience that can help us navigate life’s challenges with greater ease. We also have the opportunity to cultivate deeper relationships with those around us, as we have more time and experience to invest in our connections with others.
Another important aspect of embracing aging is to take care of our physical and mental health. This means eating a healthy diet, getting regular exercise, and staying mentally engaged through activities like reading, learning new skills, and socializing with others. By taking care of our bodies and minds, we can ensure that we stay healthy and vibrant well into our later years.
It is also important to cultivate a positive attitude towards aging. Instead of seeing it as a negative process, we can view it as an opportunity for growth and transformation. By embracing the changes that come with aging, we can learn to appreciate the beauty of life at every stage.
In conclusion, embracing aging with a positive attitude is essential for living a happy and fulfilling life. By focusing on the positive aspects of aging, taking care of our physical and mental health, and cultivating a positive attitude, we can navigate the aging process with grace and ease. So let’s embrace aging and all that it has to offer!
“Reevaluate priorities in 40s.”
As we age, our priorities and perspectives on life change. In our 40s, we often experience a reevaluation of our priorities and what truly matters in life. This is commonly referred to as the “fuck it 40s” because we become less concerned with things that used to bother us and more focused on what brings us joy and fulfillment.
In the SOS podcast, Megan discusses her experience with the “fuck it 40s” and how it has changed her perspective on life. She talks about the realization that material possessions do not hold as much importance as they once did and the importance of focusing on relationships and experiences.
Megan also discusses the challenges of being in the “sandwich generation,” where individuals are taking care of their own children while also caring for aging parents. This can be a difficult time, but it also provides an opportunity for reevaluation and reassessment of priorities.
One of the key takeaways from this episode is the importance of embracing aging with a positive attitude. Megan discusses her own optimistic outlook on life and the importance of celebrating the fact that she was born. By focusing on the positive aspects of aging, taking care of our physical and mental health, and cultivating a positive attitude, we can navigate the aging process with grace and ease.
In conclusion, the “fuck it 40s” provides an opportunity for reevaluation and reassessment of priorities. By focusing on relationships and experiences, taking care of our physical and mental health, and embracing aging with a positive attitude, we can live a happy and fulfilling life. So let’s embrace aging and all that it has to offer!
Celebrate all aspects of life.
Megan and Rob’s conversation touches on the topic of celebrating all aspects of life, not just on special occasions like birthdays. They discuss how they have been approaching their own birthdays as they enter their 40s. They reflect on how they have shifted their focus from material gifts to experiences and relationships. They also mention how they have been taking better care of their physical and mental health.
The conversation highlights the importance of celebrating all aspects of life, not just the milestones. Megan and Rob talk about how they have been celebrating their accomplishments in work and personal life. They mention how they have been reflecting on their past achievements and optimizing them for the future. They also discuss the importance of taking breaks and traveling as a way to recharge and celebrate life.
Their conversation also touches on the topic of aging and how it can be embraced with a positive attitude. Megan and Rob talk about how they have been reevaluating their priorities and focusing on what truly matters in life. They mention how they have been embracing aging as a natural part of life and not something to be feared or avoided.
Approach aging with mindfulness.
How can we approach aging with mindfulness? Megan shares her positive attitude towards aging and how she sees it as an opportunity to gain more experience and wisdom. She also mentions how some people tend to fight against aging, which can lead to negative feelings and judgments toward themselves.
The concept of mindfulness is introduced as a way to embrace aging. Mindfulness is defined as a nonjudgmental observation of thoughts, feelings, and experiences. By practicing mindfulness, we can become more aware of our thoughts and emotions and learn to accept them without judgment.
Megan also talks about the importance of taking care of physical and mental health as we age. This includes getting enough rest, staying active, and seeking support when needed. By prioritizing our health, we can improve our overall well-being and enjoy life to the fullest.
Megan and Rob also touch on the idea of letting go of societal expectations and embracing our unique journey. They mention how some people may feel pressure to look a certain way or achieve certain milestones by a certain age. However, by letting go of these expectations, we can focus on our own journey and celebrate our accomplishments, no matter how big or small.
Accept and nurture aging gracefully.
Let’s ditch the negative connotations of aging. We can accept and nurture aging gracefully. We can look back on our lives and only focus on what we haven’t achieved can be painful. However, by accepting and nurturing ourselves, we can have a healthy relationship with aging. Mindfulness can play a vital role in this process as it helps us live in the present moment and appreciate what we have.
Megan and Rob talk about societal expectations regarding aging, such as the pressure to look youthful. They discuss how people often do things to enhance their appearance, such as coloring their hair or wearing fake eyelashes. While there is nothing wrong with these practices, it is essential to ask ourselves why we are doing them. Are we doing it for ourselves or because we feel pressure from society? By understanding our motivations, we can make more informed decisions about how we want to age.
We also need to take care of our health as we age. By eating well, exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep, we can improve our physical and mental well-being. These habits can also help us feel more confident and comfortable in our bodies as we age.
Change your perception of aging.
One key takeaway from this episode is the idea of changing our perception of aging. The speakers discuss how our beliefs about what it means to be “old” can limit our potential and affect our health. By challenging these beliefs and adopting a more positive outlook, we can live longer and healthier lives.
- One way to change our perception of aging is to focus on mindfulness and self-care. Megan and Rob emphasize the importance of taking care of our bodies and minds, whether through exercise, meditation, or other practices. By staying present in the moment and nurturing ourselves, we can reduce stress and improve our overall well-being.
- Another important aspect of changing our perception of aging is letting go of societal expectations. Megan and Rob point out how our culture often associates aging with decline and loss, but this does not have to be the case. By embracing new experiences and relationships, we can continue to grow and thrive as we age.
Ultimately, remember that aging is a natural and inevitable part of life, but it does not have to be a negative one. By changing our perception of aging and embracing all that life has to offer, we can live a happy and fulfilling life at any age.
Seek out new experiences.
One way to embrace aging and continue to grow is to seek out new experiences. You can:
- learning something new
- taking up a new hobby
- travel to new places
These are exciting ways to build new neural pathways and keep our minds active and engaged. By doing so, we can avoid falling into the trap of autopilot and routine, which can lead to feelings of boredom, stagnation, and even depression.
By becoming more conscious of our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, we can start to see things from different angles and awaken our autopilot. This can help us become more aware of the opportunities and possibilities that exist around us, and allow us to make more intentional choices about how we want to live our lives.
Of course, embracing new experiences can be scary and uncomfortable at times. It can be tempting to stick with what we know and what feels safe, rather than taking risks and trying new things. However, the rewards of stepping outside our comfort zones can be immense. By challenging ourselves and pushing our boundaries, we can discover new strengths, talents, and passions that we never knew we had.
Embrace your true self fully.
This means accepting all aspects of yourself, even the ones that others may not understand or appreciate. It’s about being true to who you are and not trying to conform to societal expectations or the expectations of others.
Megan talks about how she has always focused on being Megan and not just a wife, mother, or any other label that society may try to place on her. She acknowledges that there are parts of her that may be seen as introverted or not as outgoing as others, but she embraces these aspects of herself and doesn’t try to change them to fit in with others.
This is an important message for all of us to hear. We often try to fit into certain boxes or labels, whether it’s at work, in our personal lives, or in society as a whole. We may feel pressure to conform to certain expectations or to be someone we’re not in order to fit in.
But the truth is, when we try to be someone we’re not, we’re not being true to ourselves. We’re not living authentically, and we’re not living our best lives. When we embrace our true selves fully, we can live more fulfilling lives and be happier and more content.
This doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t strive to improve ourselves or try new things. In fact, the podcast encourages us to embrace new experiences for growth, no matter our age. By doing so, we can continue to learn, grow, thrive, and make the most of the time we have on this earth.
In conclusion, embracing your true self fully is essential for living a fulfilling and authentic life. It means accepting all aspects of yourself and not trying to conform to societal expectations or the expectations of others. So let’s embrace who we are and live life to the fullest, no matter our age or circumstances.
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