I was reminded recently about how powerful and magical it is to live life from a place of gratitude. Gratitude shifts our focus from negative to positive. This is not to be confused with Toxic Positivity. “Good Vibes Only” is not realistic. We are not robots. We are humans and humans feel emotion.
Emotions are watery.
What are you feeling right now? How might you feel in 10 minutes? Emotions ebb and flow, come and go, get stuck and unstuck. Allow your emotions to remain in motion. You may find they move along fairly quickly! Experiment with waiting 5 minutes and see where they go.
Feel all the feels.
Notice them.
Name them.
Then, let them go…like clouds in the sky floating by.
Even when you get disappointed, irritated, or upset, perhaps you will start to notice a theme or lesson that’s being presented in that situation. Perhaps you’ll notice feelings of Gratitude for your noticing, for the lesson you’re actively learning, for the movement of emotion (remember, they’re watery like ocean waves) that prevent you from remaining static and stuck