A Tornado of Change
Written by Jennifer Komis, MAMFT, MDIV
I don’t know about you, but this year has felt like a tornado of constant change. And that’s putting it mildly. Whether you’re pulling your hair out homeschooling your kids, bent over a laptop trying to work from your couch, or trying to figure out what dating looks like in the time of COVID, all of us are experiencing some feeling of mental spinning.
Change… now adapt. Change… now adapt. And repeat.
When life brings this level of upheaval, it’s going to bring stress. And that’s normal. In fact, it would be pretty unusual for you NOT to feel stressed right now. Stress alone doesn’t have to be a bad thing. But recognizing when you need a little help managing your stress is a good thing.
Check out the image below to understand more about how too much stress can effect your mind, body, emotions and behavior.